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Frozen Heat & Serve Meal

Indulge in the tantalizing taste of our Ready-to-Serve Frozen Black Pepper Chicken, a culinary delight that brings together succulent chicken pieces with a rich and flavorful black pepper sauce. Perfectly seasoned and conveniently packaged, this frozen meal is a hassle-free solution for busy days when you crave a gourmet experience without the preparation time.


Experience the culinary magic of our Ready-to-Serve Frozen Black Pepper Chicken — a delightful fusion of convenience and gourmet taste. Elevate your dining experience today!

Black Pepper Chicken 黑椒鸡丁

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    Preparation method:
    STEAM: After thawing, steam for 15 minutes.

    MICROWAVE: Heat up by microwave for 3 - 4 minutes

    BOILING: After thawing, submerge inner bag in boiling water and immer for 10 - 15 minutes. Remove chicken from inner bag and enjoy your meal.

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